Commands Available

Voi NFT Bot helps you manage your roles for your collections and allows your discord users to show off their NFTs held by flexing them in your discord server

Admin /setup Commands

  • /setup Add a new voi creator address to server

  • /setup Remove a new voi creator address from server

  • /setup Add a new voi collection from creator addresses saved

  • /setup Remove a voi collection from server

  • /setup Add a new voi application ID of a collection

  • /setup Remove discord role rule

Admin Commands

  • /lookup-user

  • /lookup-wallet

  • /add-rule

  • /giveaway

  • /giveaway-end

  • /giveaway-cancel

  • /giveaway-reroll

User commands

  • /register address

  • /flex

  • /remove-registered-wallet

  • /update-roles

Last updated