🛠️Create Vote

Hold votes allowing your discord users to vote on options using the NFTs they hold as the vote weight. 1 NFT held from collection = 1 vote entry

Requires arguments to start a vote

  • Application ID - The application ID of your NFT collection(Only save ID's from /setup will appear)

  • Channel - The channel to start the vote in

  • Name - What is being given away or name for the vote

  • Time Frame - Choice between minutes or hours

  • Duration - Duration of vote using time frame above

  • Number Options To Win - How many vote options will be chosen as a winner

Optional arguments to start a vote

  • Role To Tag On Start - Tags a role upon vote creation

  • Role To Add To Winners - Role to be added to all winners of vote

  • Image - Image to be displayed for vote(Upload from library or drag and drop file)

/create-vote [application-id] [@channel] [name] [time-frame] [duration] [number-of-winning-options]

  1. Enter command /whitelist event [@channel] [name] [time-frame] [duration] [number-of-winning-options]

  2. Add optional arguments to command above before submitting

  3. Upon submit a pop up will appear allowing you to enter up to 5 options to be voted on

  4. Once pop up with vote options are saved a snapshot will be taken and vote will start once snapshot is completed

Last updated