🛠️Create Role Rule

This command is used to create rules to assign roles based on quantity of NFTs held by users or by quantity of traits held by user for collections saved for server

/add-rule Add a new discord role to manage

  1. Enter command /add-rule [@roleTag] [RuleName] [HoldQuantity]

  2. The command requires 3 arguments (Role, Name & Hold Quantity

  3. Next a select menu will appear listing all collections(applications) saved for server to use. Choose which collection to assign the role chosen in previous step

  4. Depending on if the collection chosen has trait metadata available or not there will be an option to choose to create a rule from quantity of collection held or by quantity of trait metadata held from collections saved. Please continue below to the "Setup up role for collection" if no trait metadata to be used for rule or go to "Setup up role by trait metadata for collection" if setting up rule by trait metadata

Setup up role for collection(application)

  1. No further steps needed. Rule will now be saved

Setup up role by trait metadata for collection(application)

  1. Select menu will appear listing all traits available on select collection. Choose the trait to be used for the rule

  2. Next a select menu will appear listing all trait values for the trait selected from previous step to be used for the rule

  3. No further steps needed. Rule will now be saved

Rules can be updated automatically by user by using the /update-roles commands Additionally a job will run hourly to add/remove all registered users roles

You can view collections on nautilus to help find application IDs https://nautilus.sh/#/collection/29091028 The above URL is Gekofam WILD collection page on nautilus. "29091028" in the URL is the application ID

Last updated